Welcome to the 3rd EURORACCOON Meeting 2025

We would like to invite you to the 3rd EURORACCOON Meeting from 13th to 15th March 2025. The EURORACCOON Meeting is being organised by members of the EURORACCOON group every year to bring together researchers and managers working on raccoons at the European scale covering all aspects of the raccoon ecology (general ecology, parasitology and infectious diseases, genetics and genomics, spatial ecology and management tools).

EURORACCOON is an open, collaborative project aiming to bring together researchers and managers working on raccoons at the European scale covering all aspects of the raccoon ecology. The overall goal of EURORACCOON is to develop evidenced-based management of this highly invasive alien species.

The last meetings:

2nd EURORACCOON meeting, Pratovecchio - Foreste Casentinesi, Arezzo, Italy, 2024-04-18 / 2024-04-20

1st EURORACCOON meeting, Lyon, France, 2023-03-16 / 2023-03-17

Conference venue:

The 3rd EURORACCOON Meeting 2025 will be held at the Seminarzentrum Edersee near the Kellerwald-Edersee Nationalpark in Germany.

The Seminarzentrum Edersee is located close to the northern border of the National Park, which is the ground zero of the raccoon’s distribution in Germany and Europe.

A mid-conference field-trip, part of the conference programme, offers the opportunity to visit the National Park and the area where it all started some 90 years ago, as well as the capital of raccoons in Germany: Kassel.


End for registration and payment: January 15, 2025

Submission of Abstracts: January 31, 2025

The 3rd EURORACCOON Meeting 2025 is organised by the Working Group for Wildlife Biology at the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen in cooperation with the Clinic for Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians and Fish with their Working Groups for Wildlife Research and Wildlife Medicine, the Wildlife Biology Research Unit, HessenForst, the German chapter (VWJD) of the International Union of Game Biologists (IUGB) and the Wildlife Research Institute, State Agency for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection North Rhine-Westphalia.

Organising committee

Maren Kettwig, Johannes Lang





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